Faculty of Natural Health Science
Diploma Online - Adult Degree Programs via distance learning.
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Natural Health Science.
Faculty of Natural Health Science Online
Today people care increasingly for leading a healthy way of life. There are many therapies in the field of natural health sciences that have not been properly addressed by the traditional university and that can be studied through Bircham International University distance learning degree programs.
Natural health sciences offer a variety of approaches to living healthy. Beyond medications your health depends on you, and no one else. We are what we eat, we are what we breathe, also what we do, and what we think. Health and wellness result from it. It is important to learn these approaches, some ancient, others very novel. All provide solutions to fight sickness, pain and discomfort. Do they work? Of course, although not even medications are infallible. More and more people trust the professionals who practice natural health sciences.
The requirements for the therapeutic professional practice in any specialty of natural health depends much on the country. There are independent associations that assume certain regulation of the therapeutic professional practice, but they rarely possess governmental recognition. The majority of the problems of the therapeutic professional practice derive from irresponsible attitudes, the misleading use of the term "doctor", or the actual intrusion into the medical and clinical aspects of health. A preventive and complementary approach to natural health sciences is the best guarantee for successful practice. A BIU distance learning degree program constitutes a good way to provide a solid support to your career as a professional therapist.
Faculty of Natural Health Science via distance learning

Our bodies are our gardens, our wills are our gardeners. Every human being is the author of his/her own health or disease.
Bioenergetic Therapy
Energy Healing
Holistic Integral Therapy
Music Therapy
Oriental Therapies
Psychosomatic Therapy
Quantum Healing Therapy
Sensory Therapy
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yoga Therapy
Health Care Administration
Herbology & Phytotherapy
Human Biology
Microbiology & Immunology
Natural Health Science
Oriental Therapies
Public Health
TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
Wellness & Health
Food Science
Nutrition & Diet Therapy
Scientific Nutrition
Manual Therapy & Massage
Performance Psychology
Sport Management
Sports Science
Sports Training
Anti-Aging Therapy
Art Therapy
Manual Therapy & Massage
Music Therapy
Natural Beauty & Cosmetics
Personal Growth Techniques
Regenerative Cellular Therapy
Thanatology Death Studies
Wellness & Health
Yoga Therapy
A good education should teach HOW to think, rather than WHAT to think. More info...
Each distance learning degree program is entirely completed by correspondence. Curricula are designed to meet the needs of the adult student, without interfering significantly in his/her professional life. More info...
Bircham International University adapts each distance learning higher education degree program to the needs of each student and may also account previous education and some professional experience towards the distance learning degree program credit requirements. More info...
Upon enrollment and after fulfilling all requirements, BIU will prepare the distance learning degree program of study and will mail the corresponding textbooks to the address provided by the student (physical books - not online). The student will be required to write reports (and/ or theses) as a way of evaluating his/her distance learning higher education program progress and outcome. More info...
Study via Distance Learning from anywhere in the world and at any time in the year. More info...
Professional Practice
Each profession develops its own entry requirements. Potential BIU students are advised to check, prior to enrollment, whether a Bircham International University distance learning degree is accepted at the professional practice they are seeking. Requirements for a particular profession vary widely among provinces, states, or countries. Some jobs require degrees recognized solely by a Ministry of Education; while others accept a diploma duly legalized or endorsed by a professional association.
AASPA - Alianza de Asociaciones de Salud Pública de las Américas
ACHM - American Council for Holistic Medicine
AHHA - American Holistic Health Association
COFEMEN - Conselho Federal de Medicina Naturopatica
CPT - Consejo Profesional de Terapeutas Holísticos
IAACN - International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists
IAHP - International Association of Healthcare Practitioners
IANHP - International Association of Natural Health Practitioners
IAWP - International Association of Wellness Professionals
ICSSPE - International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education
IEA - International Epidemiological Association
IONC - International Organization of Nutritional Consultants
ISAH - International Society for Ayurveda and Health
ISCMR - International Society for Complementary Medicine Research
ISCT - International Society for Cellular Therapy
ISSSEEM - International Society of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine
IUFoST - International Union of Food Science and Technology
IUNS - International Union of Nutritional Sciences
WFCMS - World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
WFPHA - World Federation of Public Health Associations
WOSAAM - World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
More info...
Faculty of Natural Health Science Online
Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Natural Health Science.
- Anti-Aging Therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Ayurveda
- Bioenergetic Therapy
- Energy Healing
- Food Science
- Gerontology
- Health Care Administration
- Herbology & Phytotherapy
- Homeopathy
- Human Biology
- Iridology
- Kinesiology
- Manual Therapy & Massage
- Natural Beauty & Cosmetics
- Natural Health Science
- Naturopathy
- Nutrition & Diet Therapy
- Oriental Therapies
- Public Health
- Quantum Healing Therapy
- Regenerative Cellular Therapy
- Scientific Nutrition
- Sensory Therapy
- Sports Science
- Sports Training
- TCM Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Toxicology
- Wellness & Health
- Yoga Therapy